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Donate Day: A Community's Collective Impact

Posted Friday January 26, 2024

March 15th marks a special day in Dickinson County, a day that transcends the ordinary and transforms into a celebration of generosity and community spirit. For the past five years, Donate Dickinson County Day has been a beacon of Hope, raising over $1,00,000 to support the sustainability of local nonprofits. As we embark on our sixth year, the impact of this initiative continues to ripple through the community, leaving a lasting legacy of support. 

Since its inception, Donate Dickinson County Day has played a pivotal role in nurturing the growth of area nonprofits by establishing permanent funds. These funds serve as a lifeline for organizations dedicated to making a positive impact on the community, providing a stable foundation for their operations. 

This year, the excitement is palpable as we rally together for another 24-hour giving extravaganza. Thirty-four nonprofits and community funds await your support, offering a diverse range of causes that touch the hearts of our community members. Whether you choose to support longstanding organizations or emerging community funds, every contribution becomes a building block for a stronger, more resilient Dickinson County.

One of the distinguishing features of Donate Dickinson County Day is the $100,000 matching fund, a generous initiative that amplifies the impact of every donation. With a maximum disbursement of $5,000 per organization or fund, this matching fund serves as a catalyst for positive change. The beauty lies in its ability to empower smaller organizations, ensuring that each one receives a significant boost to further its mission. 

On March 15th, the virtual doors of www.donatedickinson.com swing open at midnight, providing you with the opportunity to make a difference from the comfort of your home. The simplicity of online giving is matched by the option to contribute through traditional means- a written check brought directly to the Foundation or conveniently deposited at Bennington State Bank's drive-through window at 418 NW Third Street. 

Bennington State Bank's ongoing support and the utilization of their drive-through window underscore the collaborative effort involved in making Donate Dickinson County Day a success. It's a testament to the community spirit that binds us together, transcending boundaries for a common cause. 

As we anticipate this year's Donate Dickinson County Day, let's collectively strive to make it the best ever. Your support not only enriches the organizations and community funds you choose to champion but also fosters a culture of giving that echoes far beyond the 24-hour window. Together, we can ensure a brighter, more resilient future for Dickinson County- one where the spirit of generosity continues to thrive. Mark your calendars, spread the word, and let the collective impact of Donate Dickinson County Day resonate through our community. 

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